報酬のThe White Phialは、受け取り時のQuintusと会話で性能が決まります。
I'd like it to have the power of healing.(治癒の力を使えるようにしたい) → restore 100 health
I want to resist the forces of magic.(害ある魔法に耐える力が欲しい) → 20% magic resist for 60 seconds
I want to be tougher in battle.(戦闘での持久力を高めたい) → +20 stamina for 300 seconds
I want to strengthen my magical skills.(魔法の腕前を高めたい) → +20 magicka for 300 seconds
I want to deal more damage in battle.(戦いで威力のある攻撃を繰り出したい) → +50% to one handed damage for 60 seconds
I want to be better hidden in the shadows.(より上手に闇に隠れたい) → 20% harder to detect for 60 seconds