editlog - 現在との差分 (201201)


editlog - 現在との差分 (201201)

ページ名 クエスト/Miscellaneous (閲覧)
投稿者ID ZM-Re6HN
投稿日 2012-01-24 (Tue) 17:28:43
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
現在との差分行 追加:370, 削除:91

*Miscellaneousクエストについて [#ca707dc9]


**目次 [#c11c7c3a]


*目次 [#c11c7c3a]


**Windhelm (ウィンドヘルム) [#Windhelm]
-[[Bring one Amulet of Arkay to Torbjorn>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Bring one Amulet of Arkay to Torbjorn]]
-[[Deliver Adonato''s Book to Giraud>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Deliver Adonato''s Book to Giraud]]
-[[Deliver the Nightshade Extact to Wuunferth the Unliving>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Deliver the Nightshade Extact to Wuunferth the Unliving]]
-[[Find the Thalmor Assassin>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Find the Thalmor assassin]]
-[[Find Queen Freydis''s Sword inside (Daungeon name)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Find Queen Freydis''s Sword inside (Daungeon name)]]
-[[Find Shahvee''s Amulet of Zenithar>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Find Shahvee''s Amulet of Zenithar]]
-[[Kill the leader of (BanditCamp name)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the leader of (BanditCamp name)]]
-[[Kill the leader of (Dungeon name)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the leader of (Dungeon name)]]
-[[Plant Viola''s Gold Ring in (House name)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Plant Viola''s Gold Ring in (House name)]]
-[[Purchase a house in Windhelm>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Purchase a house in Windhelm]]
-[[Steal the Shahvee''s Amulet of Zenithar for Stands-In-Shallows>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Steal the Shahvee''s Amulet of Zenithar for Stands-In-Shallows]]
-[[Talk to Torbjorn about Scouts-Many-Marshes>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Talk to Torbjorn about Scouts-Many-Marshes]]
**Kynesgrove (カイネスグローブ) [#Kynesgrove]
-[[Dravynea''s Frost Salts>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dravynea''s Frost Salts]]
-[[Roggi''s Ancestral Shield>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Roggi''s Ancestral Shield]]
***Verner and Annekke''s House [#x765d8a5]
-[[Kill the leader of (Dungeon name)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the leader of (Dungeon name)]]
***Goldenrock Mine [#e37f65e3]
-[[Find Derkeethus>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Find Derkeethus]]
***Braidwood Inn [#a12cdd34]
-[[Bring some Frost Salts to Dravynea>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Bring some Frost Salts to Dravynea]]
***Steamscorch Mine [#r1f48491]
-[[Find Roggi''s Ancestral Shield inside(Dungeon Name)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Find Roggi''s Ancestral Shield inside(Dungeon Name)]]
***Goldenrock Mine [#nbee8267]
-[[Deliver Sondas''s Note to Quintus>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Deliver Sondas''s Note to Quintus]]
*Miscellaneousクエスト一覧 [#miscquestlist]

*Falkreath Hold [#FHlist]
**Falkreath (ファルクリース) [#Falkreath]
注: ★はクエスト内にRadiant要素が含まれるものであり、※はクエストとして未完成である。

*Haafingar [#HFlist]
**Solitude (ソリチュード) [#Solitude]
**Dragon Bridge [#DragonBridge]
**街・村以外 [#HFother]
*オープンワールド [#openworld]

*The Pale [#TPlist]
**Dawnstar (ドーンスター) [#Dawnstar]
-[[Salty Sea-Dogs>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Salty Sea-Dogs]]
**街・村以外 [#TPother]
|Faldrus|各地|[[Visit the Shrine of Azura>クエスト/Daedric/The Black Star]] ||
|Kharjo |Khajiit Traders |[[Amulet of the Moon>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Amulet of the Moon]] ★||

*The Reach [#TRelist]
**Markarth (マルカルス) [#Markarth]
-[[Delivery to Calcelmo>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Delivery to Calcelmo]]
-[[Lisbet''s Missing Shipment>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Lisbet''s Missing Shipment]]
-[[Bothela''s Discreet Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Bothela''s Discreet Delivery]]
-[[Skilled Apprenticeship>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Skilled Apprenticeship]]
-[[Search and Seizure>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Search and Seizure]]
-[[Coated in Blood>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Coated in Blood]]
-[[Nimhe, the Poisoned One>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Nimhe, the Poisoned One]]
**街・村以外 [#TReother]
***Left Hand Mine (レフト・ハンド鉱山)  [#wLeftHandMine]
-[[Kolskeggr Mine>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kolskeggr Mine (Quest)]]
***Soljund''s Sinkhole [#w102bca7]
-[[Soljund''s Sinkhole>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Soljund''s Sinkhole]]
***Old Hroldan [#ud14b873]
-[[The Ghost of Old Hroldan>クエスト/Miscellaneous/The Ghost of Old Hroldan]]
*Eastmarch [#eastmarch]

*The Rift [#TRilist]
**Riften (リフテン) [#Riften]
-[[The Lover''s Requital>クエスト/Miscellaneous/The Lover''s Requital]]
-[[Caught Red Handed>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Caught Red Handed]]
-[[Toying With The Dead>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Toying With The Dead]]
**Ivarstead (イヴァルステッド) [#Ivarstead]
**Shor''s Stone [#ShorsStone]
**街・村以外 [#TRiother]
***Heartwood Mill (ハートウッド工場) [#HeartwoodMill]
-[[Flight or Fight>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Flight or Fight]]
***Merryfair Farm (メリーフェア農場) [#MerryfairFarm]
-[[Bow to the Master>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Bow to the Master]]
***Sarethi Farm (サレシ農場) [#SarethiFarm]
-[[Smooth Jazbay>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Smooth Jazbay]]
**Windhelm (ウィンドヘルム) [#windhelm]

*Whiterun Hold [#WHlist]
**Whiterun (ホワイトラン) [#Whiterun]
-[[Deliver the sword to Proventus Avenicci>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Deliver the sword to Proventus Avenicci]]
-[[Find Amren''s Family Sword inside>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Find Amren''s Family Sword inside]]
-[[Recover Andurs'' Amulet of Arkay>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Recover Andurs'' Amulet of Arkay]]
-[[Steal the Argonian Ale>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Steal the Argonian Ale]]
-[[Talk to Mikael about Carlotta>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Talk to Mikael about Carlotta]]
-[[Give the Frost Salts to Arcadia>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Give the Frost Salts to Arcadia]]
-[[Convince Braith to stop bullying Lars>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Convince Braith to stop bullying Lars]]
-[[Purchase a house in Whiterun>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Purchase a house in Whiterun]]
-[[Bring one Mammoth Tusk to Ysolda>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Bring one Mammoth Tusk to Ysolda]]
**Riverwood (リバーウッド) [#Riverwood]
-[[Deliver Faendal''s letter to Camilla>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Deliver Faendal''s letter to Camilla]]
**Rorikstead (ロリクステッド) [#Rorikstead]
**街・村以外 [#WHother]
|Adonato Leotelli |Candlehearth Hall |[[Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Delivery]] ★||
|Angrenor Once-Honored |Candlehearth Hall |Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|Belyn Hlaalu |Belyn Hlaalu's House |Gather Wheat ★||
|Brunwulf Free-Winter |Brunwulf Free-Winter's House |[[Kill the Bandit Leader>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the Bandit Leader]] ★||
|~|~|[[Thane of Eastmarch>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Purchase a house in Windhelm]] ★||
|Hillevi Cruel-Sea |House of Clan Cruel-Sea |[[Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Delivery]] ||
|Kjar |Windhelm |[[Harsh Master>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Harsh Master]] ★||
|Malborn |New Gnisis Cornerclub |[[Find the Thalmor Assassin>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Find the Thalmor assassin]] |[[Diplomatic Immunity>クエスト/Main/Diplomatic Immunity]]完了後|
|Oengul War-Anvil |Blacksmith Quarters |[[Dungeon Delving (Caves)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Caves)]] ★||
|Revyn Sadri |Sadri's Used Wares |[[That Was Always There>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Plant Viola's Gold Ring in (House name)]] ||
|Rolff Stone-Fist |Candlehearth Hall |[[Fight! Fight!>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Fight! Fight!]] ★||
|Scouts-Many-Marshes |Argonian Assemblage |[[A Few Words with You>クエスト/Miscellaneous/A Few Words with You]] ★||
|Shahvee |Argonian Assemblage |[[Dungeon Delving (Bandits)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Bandits)]] ★||
|Silda the Unseen |Candlehearth Hall |Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|Stands-In-Shallows |Argonian Assemblage |[[Some Light Theft>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Some Light Theft]] ★||
|Torbjorn Shatter-Shield |House of Clan Shatter-Shield |[[Rare Gifts>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Rare Gifts]] ★||
|~|~|Quest all Drunks Have ★||
|Ulfric Stormcloak |Palace of the Kings |[[Thane of Eastmarch>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Purchase a house in Windhelm]] ★||

*Winterhold [#WList]
**Winterhold (ウィンターホールド) [#Winterhold]
**街・村以外 [#Wother]
**Kynesgrove (カイネスグローブ) [#kynesgrove]

|Dravynea the Stoneweaver |Braidwood Inn |[[Dravynea's Frost Salts>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dravynea's Frost Salts]] ||
|Iddra |Braidwood Inn |[[A Few Words with You>クエスト/Miscellaneous/A Few Words with You]] ★||
|Kjeld |Braidwood Inn |Mine Ore ★||
|Ganna Uriel |Steamscorch Mine |Chop Wood ★||
|Roggi Knot-Beard |Steamscorch Mine |[[Dungeon Delving (Caves)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Caves)]] ★||

**街・集落以外 [#eastmarchfield]

|Bolfrida Brandy-Mug |Brandy-Mug Farm |Gather Wheat ★||
|Gilfre |Gilfre's House |Chop Wood ★||
|Derkeethus |Goldenrock Mine |[[Extracting an Argonian>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Find Derkeethus]] ||
|Sondas Drenim |Goldenrock Mine |[[Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Delivery]] ★||
|Chief Mauhulakh |Mauhulakh's Longhouse |[[Fight! Fight!>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Fight! Fight!]] ★||
|Dushnamub |Mauhulakh's Longhouse |Mine Ore ★||
|Tulvur |Hollyfrost Farm |Gather Wheat ★||
|Annekke Crag-Jumper |Verner and Annekke's House |[[Kill the Bandit Leader>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the Bandit Leader]] ★||
|Verner Rock-Chucker |Verner and Annekke's House |Mine Ore ★||

*Falkreath Hold [#falkreathhold]

**Falkreath (ファルクリース) [#falkreath]

|Dengeir of Stuhn |Dengeir's House |[[Some Light Theft>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Some Light Theft]] ★||
|~|~|[[Dark Ancestor>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dark Ancestor]] |[[Some Light Theft>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Some Light Theft]]完了後|
|~|~|[[Kill the Bandit Leader (Jarl)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the Bandit Leader(Jarl)]] ★|[[Dark Ancestor>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dark Ancestor]]完了後|
|~|~|[[Thane of Falkreath>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of Falkreath]] ★|[[Kill the Bandit Leader (Jarl)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the Bandit Leader(Jarl)]]完了後|
|Lod |Lod's House |[[Speak to Lod>クエスト/Daedric/A Daedra's Best Friend]] ||
|Mathies |Corpselight Farm |Gather Wheat ★||
|Runil |Hall of the Dead |[[Dungeon Delving (Caves)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Caves)]] ★||
|Siddgeir |Jarl's Longhouse |[[Rare Gifts>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Rare Gifts]] ★||
|~|~|[[Kill the Bandit Leader (Jarl)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the Bandit Leader(Jarl)]] ★|[[Rare Gifts>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Rare Gifts]]完了後|
|~|~|[[Thane of Falkreath>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of Falkreath]] ★|[[Kill the Bandit Leader (Jarl)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the Bandit Leader(Jarl)]]完了後|
|Thadgeir |Dengeir's House |[[Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Delivery]] ★||
**街・集落以外 [#falkreathfield]

|Hert |Half-Moon Mill |Chop Wood ★||
|Valdr |Moss Mother Cavern |[[Moss Mother Cavern>クエスト/Dungeon Quests/Moss Mother Cavern]] ||

*Haafingar [#haafingar]

**Solitude (ソリチュード) [#solitude]

|Ahtar |Jala's House |[[Kill the Bandit Leader>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kill the Bandit Leader]] ★||
|Angeline Morrard |Angeline's Aromatics |[[No News is Good News>クエスト/Solitude/No News is Good News]] ||
|Beirand |Solitude Blacksmith |Get Outfitted ||
|Bryling |Bryling's House |[[Thane of Haafingar>クエスト/Solitude/Thane of Haafingar]] ★||
|Captain Aldis |Castle Dour |[[Rare Gifts>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Rare Gifts]] ★||
|Dervenin |Temple of the Divines |[[The Mind of Madness>クエスト/Daedric/The Mind of Madness]] ||
|~|~|Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|Elisif the Fair |Blue Palace |[[Thane of Haafingar>クエスト/Solitude/Thane of Haafingar]] ★||
|~|~|[[Elisif's Tribute>クエスト/Solitude/Elisif's Tribute]] ||
|Evette San |Evette San's House |[[The Spiced Wine>クエスト/Solitude/The Spiced Wine]] ||
|Giraud Gemane |Bards College |[[Rjorn's Drum>クエスト/Bards College/Rjorn's Drum]] ||
|~|~|Collecting the Edda ※||
|Inge Six Fingers |Bards College |[[Finn's Lute>クエスト/Bards College/Finn's Lute]] ||
|Noster Eagle-Eye |The Winking Skeever |[[Dungeon Delving (Caves)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Caves)]] ★||
|~|~|Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|Octieve San |Evette San's House |[[A Few Words with You>クエスト/Miscellaneous/A Few Words with You]] ★||
|Pantea Ateia |Bards College |[[Pantea's Flute>クエスト/Bards College/Pantea's Flute]] ||
|Roggvir |Solitude |[[Scare my Enemy>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Scare my Enemy]] ★||
|Sorex Vinius |The Winking Skeever |[[Delivery (Sorex)>クエスト/Solitude/Delivery]] ||
|Svari |Addvar's House |Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|~|~|[[Return to Grace>クエスト/Solitude/Return to Grace]] ||
|Sybille Stentor |Blue Palace |[[Kill the Vampire>クエスト/Solitude/Kill the Vampire]] ★||
|Taarie |Radiant Raiment |[[Fit for a Jarl>クエスト/Solitude/Fit for a Jarl]] ||
**Dragon Bridge (ドラゴン・ブリッジ) [#dragonbridge]

|Azzada Lylvieve |Lylvieve Family's House |Gather Wheat ★||
|Horgeir |Horgeir's House |Chop Wood ★||
|Olda |Horgeir's House |[[Dragon's Breath Mead>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dragon's Breath Mead]] ||

**街・集落以外 [#haafingarfield]

|Gissur |Thalmor Embassy, Elenwen's Solar |Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|Hjorunn |Solitude Sawmill |Chop Wood ★||
|Katla |Katla's Farm |Gather Wheat ★||
|Razelan |Thalmor Embassy |Quest all Drunks Have ★||

*Hjaalmarch [#hjaalmarch]

**Morthal (モーサル) [#morthal]

|Benor |Guardhouse |[[Fight! Fight!>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Fight! Fight!]] ★||
|Falion |Falion's House |[[Falion's Secret>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Falion's Secret]] ||
|~|~|[[Rising at Dawn>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Rising at Dawn]] ||
|Gorm |Moorside Inn |[[For the Good of Morthal>クエスト/Miscellaneous/For the Good of Morthal]] ||
|Hroggar |Alva's House |Chop Wood ★||
|Idgrod Ravencrone |Highmoon Hall |[[Thane of Hjaalmarch>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of Hjaalmarch]] ★||
|Idgrod the Younger |Highmoon Hall |[[Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Delivery]] ★||
|Jorgen |Jorgen and Lami's House |Chop Wood ★||
|Lami |Jorgen and Lami's House |[[Rare Gifts>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Rare Gifts]] ★||

**街・集落以外 [#hjaalmarchfield]

|Gestur Rockbreaker |Rockwallow Mine |Mine Ore ★||
|Pactur |Rockwallow Mine |[[Payment Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Payment Delivery]] ||
|Sorli the Builder |Sorli's House |[[Thane of Hjaalmarch>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of Hjaalmarch]] ★||
*The Pale [#pale]

**Dawnstar (ドーンスター) [#dawnstar]

|Beitild |Beitild's House |Mine Ore ★||
|Brina Merilis |Brina's House |[[Thane of the Pale>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of the Pale]] ★||
|Captain Wayfinder |Dawnstar |Salty Sea-Dogs ★||
|Frida |The Mortar and Pestle |[[Dungeon Delving (Caves)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Caves)]] ★||
|Karl |Iron-Breaker Mine |Quest all Drunks Have ★||
|Leigelf |Leigelf's House |Mine Ore ★||
|Rustleif |Rustleif's House |[[Rare Gifts>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Rare Gifts]] ★||
|Skald |The White Hall |[[Thane of the Pale>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of the Pale]] ★||

**街・集落以外 [#palefield]

|Aeri |Aeri's House |[[Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Delivery]] ★||
|~|~|Chop Wood ★||

*The Reach [#reach]

**Markarth (マルカルス) [#markarth]

|Banning |Markarth Stables |[[Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Delivery]] ★||
|Bothela |The Hag's Cure |[[Bothela's Discreet Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Bothela's Discreet Delivery]] ||
|Brother Verulus |Hall of the Dead |[[Investigate the Hall of the Dead>クエスト/Daedric/The Taste of Death]] ||
|Calcelmo |Understone Keep |[[Buy Dwarven artifact>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Buy Dwarven artifact]] ★||
|~|~|[[Nimhe, the Poisoned One>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Nimhe, the Poisoned One]] ||
|Cosnach |The Warrens |[[Fight! Fight!>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Fight! Fight!]] ★||
|~|~|Quest all Drunks Have ★||
|Degaine |The Warrens |Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|~|~|Quest all Drunks Have ★||
|~|~|[[Speak to Degaine>クエスト/Divine/The Heart of Dibella]] ||
|Eltrys |The Warrens |[[Read Eltrys' Note>クエスト/Markarth/The Foresworn Conspiracy]] ||
|Endon |Endon's House |[[Silver Lining>クエスト/Thieves Guild/Silver Lining]] ||
|Ghorza gra-Bagol |Understone Keep |[[Skilled Apprenticeship>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Skilled Apprenticeship]] ||
|Igmund |Understone Keep |[[Dungeon Delving (Jarl-Hagravens)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Jarl_Hagravens)]] ★||
|~|~|[[Thane of the Reach>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of the Reach]] ★||
|Kerah |Endon's House |[[Delivery to Calcelmo>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Delivery to Calcelmo]] ||
|Lisbet |Arnleif and Sons Trading Company |[[Lisbet's Missing Shipment>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Lisbet's Missing Shipment]] ★||
|Moth gro-Bagol |Understone Keep |[[Coated in Blood>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Coated in Blood]] ||
|Omluag |The Warrens |[[A Few Words with You>クエスト/Miscellaneous/A Few Words with You]] ★||
|Ondolemar |Understone Keep |[[Search and Seizure>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Search and Seizure]] ||
|Thongvor Silver-Blood |The Treasury House |[[Thane of the Reach>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of the Reach]] ★||
**Karthwasten (カースワーステン) [#karthwasten]

|Ainethach |Karthwasten Hall |[[Sanuarach Mine>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Sanuarach Mine]] ||
|Atar |Sanuarach Mine |[[Sanuarach Mine>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Sanuarach Mine]] ||

**街・集落以外 [#reachfield]

|Chief Burguk |Burguk's Longhouse |[[Fight! Fight!>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Fight! Fight!]] ★||
|Chief Larak |Larak's Longhouse |[[Fight! Fight!>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Fight! Fight!]] ★||
|Eydis |Old Hroldan |[[The Ghost of Old Hroldan>クエスト/Miscellaneous/The Ghost of Old Hroldan]] ★||
|Gharol |Burguk's Longhouse |[[Gharol's Message>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Gharol's Message]] ||
|~|~|Mine Ore ★||
|Pavo Attius |Pavo's House |[[Kolskeggr Mine>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Kolskeggr Mine]] ||
|~|~|Mine Ore ★||
|Perth |Soljund's Sinkhole |[[Soljund's Sinkhole>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Soljund's Sinkhole]] ||
|~|~|Mine Ore ★||
|Rogatus Salvius |Salvius Farmhouse |[[Rogatus's Letter>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Rogatus's Letter]] ||
|Shuftharz |Larak's Longhouse |Mine Ore ★||
|Skaggi Scar-Face |Skaggi's House |Mine Ore ★||
|Vigdis Salvius |Salvius Farmhouse |Gather Wheat ★||

*The Rift [#rift]

**Riften (リフテン) [#riften]

|Alessandra |Hall of the Dead |[[Pilgrimage>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Pilgrimage]] ||
|Balimund |The Scorched Hammer |[[Stoking the Flames>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Stoking the Flames]] ||
|Bolli |Riften Fishery |[[Special Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Special Delivery (Bolli)]] ||
|Brand-Shei |Haelga's Bunkhouse |[[Distant Memories>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Distant Memories]] ||
|Dinya Balu |Temple of Mara |[[Spread the Love>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Spread the Love]] ||
|Edda |Riften |Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|Hafjorg |Elgrim's Elixirs |[[Truth Ore Consequences>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Truth Ore Consequences]] ||
|Harrald |Mistveil Keep |[[Bring It!>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Bring It!]] ||
|Hofgrir Horse-Crusher |Riften Stables |[[Bloody Nose>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Bloody Nose]] ||
|Ingun Black-Briar |Elgrim's Elixirs |[[Few and Far Between>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Few and Far Between]] ||
|Laila Law-Giver |Mistveil Keep |[[Supply and Demand>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Supply and Demand]] ||
|Louis Letrush |The Bee and Barb |[[Promises to Keep>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Promises to Keep]] ||
|Madesi |Riften |[[Ringmaker>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Ringmaker]] ||
|Maramal |Temple of Mara |[[The Bonds of Matrimony>クエスト/Miscellaneous/The Bonds of Matrimony]] ||
|Marise Aravel |Marise Aravel's House |[[Ice Cold>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Ice Cold]] ||
|Maven Black-Briar |Black-Briar Manor |[[Vald's Debt>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Vald's Debt (Quest)]] ||
|Mjoll the Lioness |Aerin's House |[[Grimsever's Return>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Grimsever's Return]] ||
|Romlyn Dreth |Black-Briar Meadery |[[Under the Table>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Under the Table]] ||
|Shadr |Riften |[[Stabilized>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Stabilized]] ||
|Sibbi Black-Briar |Riften Jail |[[The Lover's Requital>クエスト/Miscellaneous/The Lover's Requital]] ||
|Snilf |Riften |Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|Svana Far-Shield |Haelga's Bunkhouse |[[Caught Red Handed>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Caught Red Handed]] ||
|Talen-Jei |The Bee and Barb |[[Sealing the Deal>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Sealing the Deal]] ||
|Tonilia |The Ragged Flagon |[[Thieves Guild Caravan Fence Quest>クエスト/Thieves Guild/Thieves Guild Caravan Fence Quest]] ||
|Vekel the Man |The Ragged Flagon |[[Toying With The Dead>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Toying With The Dead]] ||
|Wujeeta |Haelga's Bunkhouse |[[Helping Hand>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Helping Hand]] ||
|~|~|[[The Raid>クエスト/Miscellaneous/The Raid]] ||
|Wylandriah |Mistveil Keep |[[Hunt and Gather>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Hunt and Gather]] ||

**Ivarstead (イヴァルステッド) [#ivarstead]

|Boti |Fellstar Farm |Gather Wheat ★||
|Klimmek |Klimmek's House |[[Climb the Steps>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Climb the Steps]] ||
|Narfi |Ivarstead |Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|~|~|[[The Straw that Broke>クエスト/Miscellaneous/The Straw that Broke]] ||
|Temba Wide-Arm |Vilemyr Inn |[[Grin and Bear It>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Grin and Bear It]] ||
|~|~|Chop Wood ★||
|Wilhelm |Vilemyr Inn |[[Lifting the Shroud>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Lifting the Shroud]] ||

**Shor's Stone (ショール・ストーン) [#shorsstone]

|Filnjar |Filnjar's House |[[Mine or Yours>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Mine or Yours]] ||
|Grogmar gro-Burzag |Odfel's House |Mine Ore ★||
|Sylgja |Sylgja's House |[[Special Delivery>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Special Delivery (Sylgja)]] ||

**街・集落以外 [#riftfield]

|Addvild |Snow-Shod Farm |Gather Wheat ★||
|Avrusa Sarethi |Sarethi Farm |[[Smooth Jazbay>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Smooth Jazbay]] ||
|~|~|Gather Wheat ★||
|Dravin Llanith |Merryfair Farm |[[Bow to the Master>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Bow to the Master]] ||
|Gadnor |Crystaldrift Cave |Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|Grosta |Heartwood Mill |[[Flight or Fight>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Flight or Fight]] ||
|~|~|Chop Wood ★||
|Synda Llanith |Merryfair Farm |Gather Wheat ★||

*Whiterun Hold [#whiterunhold]

**Whiterun (ホワイトラン) [#whiterun]

|Adrianne Avenicci |Warmaiden's |[[Greatsword for a Great Man>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Deliver the sword to Proventus Avenicci]] ||
|Alfhild Battle-Born |House of Clan Battle-Born |Gather Wheat ★||
|Amren |Amren's House |[[Dungeon Delving (Bandits)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Bandits)]] ★||
|Andurs |Hall of the Dead |[[Recover Andurs' Amulet of Arkay>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Recover Andurs' Amulet of Arkay]] ||
|Brenuin |The Bannered Mare |[[Argonian Ale Extraction>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Steal the Argonian Ale]] ||
|~|~|Quest all Beggars Have ★||
|Carlotta Valentia |Carlotta Valentia's House |[[A Few Words with You>クエスト/Miscellaneous/A Few Words with You]] ★||
|Farengar Secret-Fire |Dragonsreach |[[Salt for Arcadia>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Give the Frost Salts to Arcadia]] ||
|Hulda |The Bannered Mare |Chop Wood ★||
|Companions |Jorrvaskr Living Quarters |[[Speak with the leader of the Companions>クエスト/Companions/Take Up Arms]] ||
|Lars Battle-Born |Whiterun |[[Bullying Braith>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Convince Braith to stop bullying Lars]] ||
|Severio Pelagia |Severio Pelagia's House |Gather Wheat ★||
|Uthgerd the Unbroken |Uthgerd's House |[[Fight! Fight!>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Fight! Fight!]] ★||
|Vignar Gray-Mane |Jorrvaskr |[[Thane of Whiterun>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Purchase a house in Whiterun]] ★||
|Ysolda |Ysolda's House |[[Sleeping Tree Cave>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Sleeping Tree Cave]] ||
|~|~|[[Rare Gifts>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Rare Gifts]] ★||

**Riverwood (リバーウッド) [#riverwood]

|Embry |Sleeping Giant Inn |Quest all Drunks Have ★||
|Faendal |Faendal's House |[[A Lovely Letter>クエスト/Miscellaneous/A Lovely Letter]] ||
|Hod |Hod and Gerdur's House |Chop Wood ★||
|Sven |Sven and Hilde's House or Sleeping Giant Inn |[[A Lovely Letter>クエスト/Miscellaneous/A Lovely Letter]] ||

**Rorikstead (ロリクステッド) [#rorikstead]

|Erik |Frostfruit Inn |[[Erik the Slayer>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Erik the Slayer]] ||
|Lemkil |Lemkil's Farmhouse |Gather Wheat ★||
|Reldith |Cowflop Farmhouse |Gather Wheat ★||

**街・集落以外 [#whiterunfield]

|Arngeir |High Hrothgar |[[The Words of Power>クエスト/Miscellaneous/The Words of Power]] ★|[[The Way of the Voice>クエスト/Main/The Way of the Voice]]完了後|

*Winterhold [#winterhold]

**Winterhold (ウィンターホールド) [#winterholdtown]

|Dagur |The Frozen Hearth |[[Drowned Sorrows>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Drowned Sorrows]] ||
|Haran |The Frozen Hearth |[[A Few Words with You>クエスト/Miscellaneous/A Few Words with You]] ★||
|Korir |Jarl's Longhouse |[[Dungeon Delving (Jarl-Caves)>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Jarl_Caves)]] ★||
|~|~|[[Thane of Winterhold>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of Winterhold]] ★||
|Kraldar |Kraldar's House |[[Thane of Winterhold>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Thane of Winterhold]] ★||
|Malur Seloth |Jarl's Longhouse |[[Some Light Theft>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Some Light Theft]] ★||
|Ranmir |Birna's Oddments |Quest all Drunks Have ★||

**街・集落以外 [#winterholdfield]

|Thorgar |Whistling Mine |Mine Ore ★||
|Tolfdir |Hall of Attainment |[[Scare my Enemy>クエスト/Miscellaneous/Scare my Enemy]] ★||
|~|~|Rogue Wizard ※||

** リンク [#link]
- [[UESPWiki:Skyrim:Miscellaneous_Quests]]

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