] [
) |
※スキル値:Novice(素人)=0, Apprentice(見習い)=25, Adept(...
* Alteration (変性) [#alteration]
|Novice (0)|''Candlelight''&br;灯火|Creates a hovering li...
|~|''Equilibrium''&br;魔力変換|Convert 25 points of healt...
|~|''Oakflesh''&br;オークフレッシュ|Improves the caster's...
|Apprentice (25)|''Magelight''&br;灯明|Ball of light that...
|~|''Stoneflesh''&br;ストーンフレッシュ|Improves the cast...
|Adept (50)|''Ash Shell''&br;灰の殻&br;''(要DB)''|Targets...
|~|''Detect Life''&br;生命探知|Nearby living creatures, b...
|~|''Ironflesh''&br;アイアンフレッシュ|Improves the caste...
|~|''Telekinesis''&br;念動力|Can pull an object to you fr...
|~|''Transmute''&br;鉱石変化|Transmute one piece of Iron ...
|~|''Waterbreathing''&br;水中呼吸|Can breathe water for 6...
|Expert (75)|''Ash Rune''&br;灰の罠&br;''(要DB)''|Cast on...
|~|''Detect Dead''&br;死者探知|Nearby dead can be seen th...
|~|''Ebonyflesh''&br;エボニーフレッシュ|Improves the cast...
|~|''Paralyze''&br;麻痺|Targets that fail to resist are p...
|Master (100)|''Dragonhide''&br;ドラゴンスケイル|Caster i...
|~|''Mass Paralysis''&br;麻痺の嵐|All targets in the area...
//|Apprentice (25)|''Magelight''&br;灯明|Ball of light th...
* Conjuration (召喚) [#conjuration]
|Level|Skill Name|説明|h
|Novice (0)|''Bound Dagger''&br;魔力のダガー&br;''(要DB)'...
|~|''Bound Sword''&br;魔力の剣|Creates a magic sword for ...
|~|''Conjure Familiar''&br;使い魔召喚|Summons a Familiar ...
|~|''Raise Zombie''&br;幽鬼作成|Reanimate a weak dead bod...
|Apprentice (25)|''Bound Battleaxe''&br;魔力の両手斧|Crea...
|~|''Flaming Familiar''&br;火炎使い魔召喚|Summons a Flami...
|~|''Conjure Boneman''&br;ボーンマン召喚''&br;(要DG)''|Su...
|~|''Conjure Flame Atronach''&br;炎の精霊召喚|Summons a F...
|~|''Reanimiate Corpse''&br;死霊作成|Reanimate a more pow...
|~|''Summon Arvak''&br;アルヴァク召喚''&br;(要DG)''|Summo...
|~|''Soul Trap''&br;魂縛|If target dies within 60 seconds...
|Adept (50)|''Bound Bow''&br;魔力の弓|Creates a magic bow...
|~|''Conjure Ash Spawn''&br;アッシュ・スポーン召喚&br;''(...
|~|''Conjure Frost Atronach''&br;氷の精霊召喚|Summons a F...
|~|''Conjure Mistman''&br;ミストマン召喚&br;''(要DG)''|Su...
|~|''Conjure Seeker''&br;シーカー召喚&br;''(要DB)''|Summo...
|~|''Revenant''&br;幽鬼支配|Reanimate a powerful dead bod...
|~|''Banish Daedra''&br;デイドラ帰還|Weaker summoned daed...
|Expert (75)|''Conjure Ash guardian''&br;アッシュ・ガーデ...
|~|''Conjure Storm Atronach''&br;雷の精霊召喚|Summons a S...
|~|''Dread Zombie''&br;死霊支配|Re-animate a very powerfu...
|~|''Conjure Dremora Lord''&br;ドレモラ・ロード召喚|Summo...
|~|''Command Daedra''&br;デイドラ支配|Powerful summoned a...
|~|''Expel Daedra''&br;デイドラ送還|Powerful summoned dae...
|~|''Conjure Wrathman''&br;ラスマン召喚''&br;(要DG)''|Sum...
|Master (100)|''Flame Thrall''&br;炎の従徒|Summons a Flam...
|~|''Frost Thrall''&br;氷の従徒|Summons a Frost Atronach ...
|~|''Storm Thrall''&br;雷の従徒|Summons a Storm Atronach ...
|~|''Dead Thrall''&br;死の従徒|Re-animate a dead body per...
|>|>|Other spells|
|Novice (0)|''Summon Unbound Dremora''&br;(呪縛されていな...
|Apprentice (25)|''Summon Arniel's Shade''&br;アーニエル...
- Reanimate系スペルは説明文にはないが以下が対象のレベル
-- Raise Zombie (幽鬼作成):Lv6以下
-- Reanimiate Corpse (死霊作成):Lv13以下
-- Revenant (幽鬼支配):Lv20以下
-- Dread Zombie (死霊支配):Lv25以下
-- Dead Thrall (死の従徒):Lv40以下
- Reanimate系スペルは[[回復PerkのNecromage (聖職者)>GameD...
- Master Spells はスキル値が100(90以上?)のときに''The ...
- ''Dead Thrall(死の従徒)''で蘇生した対象は倒れても''As...
- ''Dead Thrall(死の従徒)''で蘇生した従徒とマップ移動な...
- 達人召喚魔法取得のためのクエストで、呪縛されていないド...
コンソールで player.placeatme 00099F2F と打つと、亜空間に...
- Bound Weapon(魔力の武器系)の攻撃力は以下の通り。これ...
--最初からフィールドを徘徊している野生の精霊 (倒した後ル...
|Flame Atronach&br;炎の精霊|5|111|〇|〇|〇|〇|
|Potent Flame Atronach&br;炎の精霊(強力)|10|174|〇|〇|〇|...
|Frost Atronach&br;氷の精霊|16|300|×|〇|〇|〇|
|Potent Frost Atronach&br;氷の精霊(強力)|24|503|×|〇|×|〇|
|Storm Atronach&br;雷の精霊|30|241|×|〇|×|〇|
|Flame Thrall&br;炎の従徒|30|242|×|〇|×|〇|
|Frost Thrall&br;氷の従徒|30|440|×|〇|×|〇|
|Storm Thrall&br;雷の従徒|30|391|×|〇|×|〇|
|Potent Flame Thrall&br;炎の従徒(強力)|35|358|×|×|×|〇|
|Potent Frost Thrall&br;氷の従徒(強力)|35|590|×|×|×|〇|
|Potent Storm Thrall&br;雷の従徒(強力)|35|483|×|×|×|〇|
--名前に(強力)がついている者は、Perk「Elemental Potency(...
- [[UESPWiki:Skyrim:Conjuration_Spells]]
* Destruction (破壊) [#destruction]
|>|>|BGCOLOR(#EE9999):Single - Target|
|Novice (0)|''Flames''&br;火炎|A gout of fire that does 8...
|~|''Frostbite''&br;氷雪|A blast of cold that does 8 poin...
|~|''Sparks''&br;雷撃|Lightning that does 8 points of sho...
|Apprentice (25)|''Firebolt''&br;ファイアボルト|A blast o...
|~|''Freeze''&br;凍結&br;''(要DB)''|A spike of ice that d...
|~|''Ice Spike''&br;アイススパイク|A spike of ice that do...
|~|''Ignite''&br;爆発&br;''(要DB)''|A blast of flame that...
|~|''Lightning Bolt''&br;ライトニングボルト|A bolt of lig...
|Expert (75)|''Incinerate''&br;ファイアボール|A blast of ...
|~|''Icy Spear''&br;アイスジャベリン|A spear of ice that ...
|~|''Thunderbolt''&br;サンダーボルト|A Thunderbolt that d...
|>|>|BGCOLOR(#EE9999):Rune Spells|
|Apprentice (25)|''Fire Rune''&br;炎の罠|Cast on a nearby...
|~|''Frost Rune''&br;氷の罠|Cast on a nearby surface, it ...
|~|''Lightning Rune''&br;雷の罠|Cast on a nearby surface,...
|>|>|BGCOLOR(#EE9999):Area of Effect Spells|
|Adept (50)|''Fireball''&br;火炎球&br;エクスプロージョン|...
|~|''Ice Storm''&br;アイスストーム|A freezing whirlwind t...
|~|''Chain Lightning''&br;チェインライトニング|Lighting b...
|Master (100)|''Fire Storm''&br;ファイアストーム|A 100 po...
|~|''Blizzard''&br;ブリザード|Targets take 20 points of f...
|~|''Lightning Storm''&br;ライトニングストーム|Target tak...
|Adept (50)|''Flame Cloak''&br;炎のマント|For 60s, oppone...
|~|''Frost Cloak''&br;氷のマント|For 60s, opponents in me...
|~|''Lightning Cloak''&br;雷のマント|For 60s, nearby oppo...
|~|''Whirlwind Cloak''&br;旋風のマント&br;''(要DB)''|For ...
|Expert (75)|''Wall of Flames''&br;炎の壁|Sprayed on the ...
|~|''Wall of Frost''&br;氷の壁|Sprayed on the ground, it ...
|~|''Wall of Storms''&br;雷の障壁|Sprayed on the ground i...
|>|>|BGCOLOR(#EE9999):Other spells|
||''Arniels Convection''&br;アーニエルの伝達|Burns the ta...
||''Vampiric Drain''|Absorb Health from the target. &br;...
- Master Spells のうち、Fire Storm はスキルレベルが100(9...
- Master Spells のうち、Blizzard は詠唱者の魔法及び冷気耐...
-- 限界まで耐性を上げていると、詠唱者はもちろん敵にもほと...
-- USKPで修正された。
* Illusion (幻惑) [#illusion]
|Level|Skill Name|説明|h
|Novice (0)|''Clairvoyance''&br;千里眼|Shows the path to ...
|~|''Courage''&br;挑発|Target won't flee for 60s and gets...
|~|''Fury''&br;激昂|Creatures and People up to level 6 wi...
|Apprentice (25)|''Calm''&br;鎮静|Creatures and people up...
|~|''Fear''&br;恐怖|Creatures and people up to level 9 fl...
|~|''Muffle''&br;消音|You move more quietly for 180s.&br;...
|Adept (50)|''Frenzy''&br;錯乱|Creatures and people up to...
|~|''Frenzy Rune''&br;錯乱の罠&br;''(要DB)''|Targets up t...
|~|''Rally''&br;扇動|Targets won't flee for 60s and get e...
|Expert (75)|%%Fade Other&br;フェード アザー%%|%%Target i...
|~|''Invisibility''&br;透明化|Caster is invisible for 30s...
|~|''Pacify''&br;魅了|Creatures and people up to level 20...
|~|''Rout''&br;威圧|Creatures and people up to level 20 f...
|Master (100)|''Harmony''&br;調和|Creatures and people up...
|~|''Hysteria''&br;畏怖|Creatures and people up to level ...
|~|''Mayhem''&br;狂乱|Creatures and people up to level 25...
|~|''Call to Arms''&br;戦場への誘い|Targets have improved...
|>|>|Other spells|
||''Vampiric Invisibility''&br;吸血鬼の透明化|You can bec...
||''Vision of the Tenth Eye''&br;ビジョン・オブ・テンスア...
- 一見するとレベル制限がネックになりそうなスペル系統だが...
- 名前からは察しずらいが、Courage(挑発)、Rally(扇動)...
* Restoration (回復) [#restoration]
|Level|Skill Name|説明|h
|Novice (0)|''Healing''&br;治癒|Heals the caster 10 point...
|~|''Lesser Ward''&br;魔力の盾|Increases armor rating by ...
|Apprentice (25)|''Fast Healing''&br;治癒の光|Heals the c...
|~|''Healing Hands''&br;治癒の手|Heals the target 10 poin...
|~|''Necromantic Healing''&br;死霊術治癒''&br;(要DG)''|He...
|~|''Steadfast Ward''&br;魔力の壁|Increases armor rating ...
|~|''Sun Fire''&br;太陽の炎&br;''(要DG)''|Ball of sunligh...
|~|''Turn Lesser Undead''&br;聖者の光|Undead up to Lv6 fl...
|Adept (50)|''Close Wounds''&br;治癒の息吹|Heals the cast...
|~|''Greater Ward''&br;魔力の砦|Increases armor rating by...
|~|''Heal Other''&br;他者 治癒|Heals the target 75 points...
|~|''Heal Undead''&br;アンデッドの治癒''&br;(要DG)''|Heal...
|~|''Poison Rune''&br;毒の罠&br;''(要DB)''|Targets that f...
|~|''Repel Lesser Undead''&br;死者撃退の光|All affected u...
|~|''Turn Undead''&br;聖者の息吹|Undead up to Lv13 flee f...
|~|''Stendarr's Aura''&br;ステンダールのオーラ''&br;(要DG...
|~|''Vampire's Bane''&br;吸血鬼のベイン''&br;(要DG)''|Sun...
|Expert (75)|''Circle of Protection''&br;守りのサークル|U...
|~|''Grand Healing''&br;大治癒|Heals everyone close to th...
|~|''Repel Undead''&br;死者撃退の息吹|All affected undead...
|~|''Turn Greater Undead''&br;聖者の涙|Undead up to Lv21 ...
|Master (100)|''Bane of the Undead''&br;アンデッドベイン|...
|~|''Guardian Circle''&br;守護のサークル|Undead up to Lv3...
- Turn Undead系のスペルは対象のレベル以上の相手には逃走の...
- Turn Undead系は[[回復PerkのNecromage (聖職者)>GameData/...
* Enchanting (付呪) [#enchanting]
- UESP:[[
- 付呪:[[GameData/Enchanting]]
** Weapons [#weapons]
-Absorb Health
-Absorb Magicka
-Absorb Stamina
-Fire Damage
-Frost Damage
-Magicka Damage
-Shock Damage
-Soul Trap
-Stamina Damage
-Turn Undead
-[[Fiery Soul Trap>クエスト/Dungeon Quests/Coming of Age]]
-Lunar (Burns target if the moons are out)
** Apparel [#apparel]
|~Fortify Skill&br;(Combat)|~Archery |●| |●| |●|●| |
|~|~Block | | |●| |●|●|●|
|~|~Heavy Armor | |●|●| |●|●| |
|~|~One-Handed | | |●|●|●|●| |
|~|~Smithing | |●|●| |●|●| |
|~|~Two-Handed | | |●|●|●|●| |
|~Fortify Skill&br;(Stealth)|~Alchemy |●| |●| |●|●|...
|~|~Barter | | | | |●| | |
|~|~Light Armor | |●|●| |●|●| |
|~|~Lockpicking |●| |●| |●|●| |
|~|~Pickpocket | | |●|●|●|●| |
|~|~Sneak | | |●|●|●|●| |
|~Fortify Skill|~各種魔法|●|●|||●|●||
|~Fortify Attribute|~Health| |●| | |●|●|●|
|~|~Health Regeneration | |●| | | |●| |
|~|~Magicka |●| |●| |●|●| |
|~|~Magicka Regeneration|●|●| | |●|●| |
|~|~Stamina | |●| |●|●|●| |
|~|~Stamina Regeneration| |●| |●|●| | |
|~Resist|~Fire | | | |●|●|●|●|
|~|~Frost | | | |●|●|●|●|
|~|~Shock | | | |●|●|●|●|
|~|~Magic | | | | |●|●|●|
|~|~Poison | |●| | |●|●|●|
|~|~Disease| |●| | |●|●|●|
|~その他|~Carry Weight | | |●|●|●|●||
|~|~Fortify Unarmed| | |●| | |●||
|~|~Muffle | | | |●| | ||
|~|~Waterbreathing |●| | | |●|●||
※スキル値:Novice(素人)=0, Apprentice(見習い)=25, Adept(...
* Alteration (変性) [#alteration]
|Novice (0)|''Candlelight''&br;灯火|Creates a hovering li...
|~|''Equilibrium''&br;魔力変換|Convert 25 points of healt...
|~|''Oakflesh''&br;オークフレッシュ|Improves the caster's...
|Apprentice (25)|''Magelight''&br;灯明|Ball of light that...
|~|''Stoneflesh''&br;ストーンフレッシュ|Improves the cast...
|Adept (50)|''Ash Shell''&br;灰の殻&br;''(要DB)''|Targets...
|~|''Detect Life''&br;生命探知|Nearby living creatures, b...
|~|''Ironflesh''&br;アイアンフレッシュ|Improves the caste...
|~|''Telekinesis''&br;念動力|Can pull an object to you fr...
|~|''Transmute''&br;鉱石変化|Transmute one piece of Iron ...
|~|''Waterbreathing''&br;水中呼吸|Can breathe water for 6...
|Expert (75)|''Ash Rune''&br;灰の罠&br;''(要DB)''|Cast on...
|~|''Detect Dead''&br;死者探知|Nearby dead can be seen th...
|~|''Ebonyflesh''&br;エボニーフレッシュ|Improves the cast...
|~|''Paralyze''&br;麻痺|Targets that fail to resist are p...
|Master (100)|''Dragonhide''&br;ドラゴンスケイル|Caster i...
|~|''Mass Paralysis''&br;麻痺の嵐|All targets in the area...
//|Apprentice (25)|''Magelight''&br;灯明|Ball of light th...
* Conjuration (召喚) [#conjuration]
|Level|Skill Name|説明|h
|Novice (0)|''Bound Dagger''&br;魔力のダガー&br;''(要DB)'...
|~|''Bound Sword''&br;魔力の剣|Creates a magic sword for ...
|~|''Conjure Familiar''&br;使い魔召喚|Summons a Familiar ...
|~|''Raise Zombie''&br;幽鬼作成|Reanimate a weak dead bod...
|Apprentice (25)|''Bound Battleaxe''&br;魔力の両手斧|Crea...
|~|''Flaming Familiar''&br;火炎使い魔召喚|Summons a Flami...
|~|''Conjure Boneman''&br;ボーンマン召喚''&br;(要DG)''|Su...
|~|''Conjure Flame Atronach''&br;炎の精霊召喚|Summons a F...
|~|''Reanimiate Corpse''&br;死霊作成|Reanimate a more pow...
|~|''Summon Arvak''&br;アルヴァク召喚''&br;(要DG)''|Summo...
|~|''Soul Trap''&br;魂縛|If target dies within 60 seconds...
|Adept (50)|''Bound Bow''&br;魔力の弓|Creates a magic bow...
|~|''Conjure Ash Spawn''&br;アッシュ・スポーン召喚&br;''(...
|~|''Conjure Frost Atronach''&br;氷の精霊召喚|Summons a F...
|~|''Conjure Mistman''&br;ミストマン召喚&br;''(要DG)''|Su...
|~|''Conjure Seeker''&br;シーカー召喚&br;''(要DB)''|Summo...
|~|''Revenant''&br;幽鬼支配|Reanimate a powerful dead bod...
|~|''Banish Daedra''&br;デイドラ帰還|Weaker summoned daed...
|Expert (75)|''Conjure Ash guardian''&br;アッシュ・ガーデ...
|~|''Conjure Storm Atronach''&br;雷の精霊召喚|Summons a S...
|~|''Dread Zombie''&br;死霊支配|Re-animate a very powerfu...
|~|''Conjure Dremora Lord''&br;ドレモラ・ロード召喚|Summo...
|~|''Command Daedra''&br;デイドラ支配|Powerful summoned a...
|~|''Expel Daedra''&br;デイドラ送還|Powerful summoned dae...
|~|''Conjure Wrathman''&br;ラスマン召喚''&br;(要DG)''|Sum...
|Master (100)|''Flame Thrall''&br;炎の従徒|Summons a Flam...
|~|''Frost Thrall''&br;氷の従徒|Summons a Frost Atronach ...
|~|''Storm Thrall''&br;雷の従徒|Summons a Storm Atronach ...
|~|''Dead Thrall''&br;死の従徒|Re-animate a dead body per...
|>|>|Other spells|
|Novice (0)|''Summon Unbound Dremora''&br;(呪縛されていな...
|Apprentice (25)|''Summon Arniel's Shade''&br;アーニエル...
- Reanimate系スペルは説明文にはないが以下が対象のレベル
-- Raise Zombie (幽鬼作成):Lv6以下
-- Reanimiate Corpse (死霊作成):Lv13以下
-- Revenant (幽鬼支配):Lv20以下
-- Dread Zombie (死霊支配):Lv25以下
-- Dead Thrall (死の従徒):Lv40以下
- Reanimate系スペルは[[回復PerkのNecromage (聖職者)>GameD...
- Master Spells はスキル値が100(90以上?)のときに''The ...
- ''Dead Thrall(死の従徒)''で蘇生した対象は倒れても''As...
- ''Dead Thrall(死の従徒)''で蘇生した従徒とマップ移動な...
- 達人召喚魔法取得のためのクエストで、呪縛されていないド...
コンソールで player.placeatme 00099F2F と打つと、亜空間に...
- Bound Weapon(魔力の武器系)の攻撃力は以下の通り。これ...
--最初からフィールドを徘徊している野生の精霊 (倒した後ル...
|Flame Atronach&br;炎の精霊|5|111|〇|〇|〇|〇|
|Potent Flame Atronach&br;炎の精霊(強力)|10|174|〇|〇|〇|...
|Frost Atronach&br;氷の精霊|16|300|×|〇|〇|〇|
|Potent Frost Atronach&br;氷の精霊(強力)|24|503|×|〇|×|〇|
|Storm Atronach&br;雷の精霊|30|241|×|〇|×|〇|
|Flame Thrall&br;炎の従徒|30|242|×|〇|×|〇|
|Frost Thrall&br;氷の従徒|30|440|×|〇|×|〇|
|Storm Thrall&br;雷の従徒|30|391|×|〇|×|〇|
|Potent Flame Thrall&br;炎の従徒(強力)|35|358|×|×|×|〇|
|Potent Frost Thrall&br;氷の従徒(強力)|35|590|×|×|×|〇|
|Potent Storm Thrall&br;雷の従徒(強力)|35|483|×|×|×|〇|
--名前に(強力)がついている者は、Perk「Elemental Potency(...
- [[UESPWiki:Skyrim:Conjuration_Spells]]
* Destruction (破壊) [#destruction]
|>|>|BGCOLOR(#EE9999):Single - Target|
|Novice (0)|''Flames''&br;火炎|A gout of fire that does 8...
|~|''Frostbite''&br;氷雪|A blast of cold that does 8 poin...
|~|''Sparks''&br;雷撃|Lightning that does 8 points of sho...
|Apprentice (25)|''Firebolt''&br;ファイアボルト|A blast o...
|~|''Freeze''&br;凍結&br;''(要DB)''|A spike of ice that d...
|~|''Ice Spike''&br;アイススパイク|A spike of ice that do...
|~|''Ignite''&br;爆発&br;''(要DB)''|A blast of flame that...
|~|''Lightning Bolt''&br;ライトニングボルト|A bolt of lig...
|Expert (75)|''Incinerate''&br;ファイアボール|A blast of ...
|~|''Icy Spear''&br;アイスジャベリン|A spear of ice that ...
|~|''Thunderbolt''&br;サンダーボルト|A Thunderbolt that d...
|>|>|BGCOLOR(#EE9999):Rune Spells|
|Apprentice (25)|''Fire Rune''&br;炎の罠|Cast on a nearby...
|~|''Frost Rune''&br;氷の罠|Cast on a nearby surface, it ...
|~|''Lightning Rune''&br;雷の罠|Cast on a nearby surface,...
|>|>|BGCOLOR(#EE9999):Area of Effect Spells|
|Adept (50)|''Fireball''&br;火炎球&br;エクスプロージョン|...
|~|''Ice Storm''&br;アイスストーム|A freezing whirlwind t...
|~|''Chain Lightning''&br;チェインライトニング|Lighting b...
|Master (100)|''Fire Storm''&br;ファイアストーム|A 100 po...
|~|''Blizzard''&br;ブリザード|Targets take 20 points of f...
|~|''Lightning Storm''&br;ライトニングストーム|Target tak...
|Adept (50)|''Flame Cloak''&br;炎のマント|For 60s, oppone...
|~|''Frost Cloak''&br;氷のマント|For 60s, opponents in me...
|~|''Lightning Cloak''&br;雷のマント|For 60s, nearby oppo...
|~|''Whirlwind Cloak''&br;旋風のマント&br;''(要DB)''|For ...
|Expert (75)|''Wall of Flames''&br;炎の壁|Sprayed on the ...
|~|''Wall of Frost''&br;氷の壁|Sprayed on the ground, it ...
|~|''Wall of Storms''&br;雷の障壁|Sprayed on the ground i...
|>|>|BGCOLOR(#EE9999):Other spells|
||''Arniels Convection''&br;アーニエルの伝達|Burns the ta...
||''Vampiric Drain''|Absorb Health from the target. &br;...
- Master Spells のうち、Fire Storm はスキルレベルが100(9...
- Master Spells のうち、Blizzard は詠唱者の魔法及び冷気耐...
-- 限界まで耐性を上げていると、詠唱者はもちろん敵にもほと...
-- USKPで修正された。
* Illusion (幻惑) [#illusion]
|Level|Skill Name|説明|h
|Novice (0)|''Clairvoyance''&br;千里眼|Shows the path to ...
|~|''Courage''&br;挑発|Target won't flee for 60s and gets...
|~|''Fury''&br;激昂|Creatures and People up to level 6 wi...
|Apprentice (25)|''Calm''&br;鎮静|Creatures and people up...
|~|''Fear''&br;恐怖|Creatures and people up to level 9 fl...
|~|''Muffle''&br;消音|You move more quietly for 180s.&br;...
|Adept (50)|''Frenzy''&br;錯乱|Creatures and people up to...
|~|''Frenzy Rune''&br;錯乱の罠&br;''(要DB)''|Targets up t...
|~|''Rally''&br;扇動|Targets won't flee for 60s and get e...
|Expert (75)|%%Fade Other&br;フェード アザー%%|%%Target i...
|~|''Invisibility''&br;透明化|Caster is invisible for 30s...
|~|''Pacify''&br;魅了|Creatures and people up to level 20...
|~|''Rout''&br;威圧|Creatures and people up to level 20 f...
|Master (100)|''Harmony''&br;調和|Creatures and people up...
|~|''Hysteria''&br;畏怖|Creatures and people up to level ...
|~|''Mayhem''&br;狂乱|Creatures and people up to level 25...
|~|''Call to Arms''&br;戦場への誘い|Targets have improved...
|>|>|Other spells|
||''Vampiric Invisibility''&br;吸血鬼の透明化|You can bec...
||''Vision of the Tenth Eye''&br;ビジョン・オブ・テンスア...
- 一見するとレベル制限がネックになりそうなスペル系統だが...
- 名前からは察しずらいが、Courage(挑発)、Rally(扇動)...
* Restoration (回復) [#restoration]
|Level|Skill Name|説明|h
|Novice (0)|''Healing''&br;治癒|Heals the caster 10 point...
|~|''Lesser Ward''&br;魔力の盾|Increases armor rating by ...
|Apprentice (25)|''Fast Healing''&br;治癒の光|Heals the c...
|~|''Healing Hands''&br;治癒の手|Heals the target 10 poin...
|~|''Necromantic Healing''&br;死霊術治癒''&br;(要DG)''|He...
|~|''Steadfast Ward''&br;魔力の壁|Increases armor rating ...
|~|''Sun Fire''&br;太陽の炎&br;''(要DG)''|Ball of sunligh...
|~|''Turn Lesser Undead''&br;聖者の光|Undead up to Lv6 fl...
|Adept (50)|''Close Wounds''&br;治癒の息吹|Heals the cast...
|~|''Greater Ward''&br;魔力の砦|Increases armor rating by...
|~|''Heal Other''&br;他者 治癒|Heals the target 75 points...
|~|''Heal Undead''&br;アンデッドの治癒''&br;(要DG)''|Heal...
|~|''Poison Rune''&br;毒の罠&br;''(要DB)''|Targets that f...
|~|''Repel Lesser Undead''&br;死者撃退の光|All affected u...
|~|''Turn Undead''&br;聖者の息吹|Undead up to Lv13 flee f...
|~|''Stendarr's Aura''&br;ステンダールのオーラ''&br;(要DG...
|~|''Vampire's Bane''&br;吸血鬼のベイン''&br;(要DG)''|Sun...
|Expert (75)|''Circle of Protection''&br;守りのサークル|U...
|~|''Grand Healing''&br;大治癒|Heals everyone close to th...
|~|''Repel Undead''&br;死者撃退の息吹|All affected undead...
|~|''Turn Greater Undead''&br;聖者の涙|Undead up to Lv21 ...
|Master (100)|''Bane of the Undead''&br;アンデッドベイン|...
|~|''Guardian Circle''&br;守護のサークル|Undead up to Lv3...
- Turn Undead系のスペルは対象のレベル以上の相手には逃走の...
- Turn Undead系は[[回復PerkのNecromage (聖職者)>GameData/...
* Enchanting (付呪) [#enchanting]
- UESP:[[
- 付呪:[[GameData/Enchanting]]
** Weapons [#weapons]
-Absorb Health
-Absorb Magicka
-Absorb Stamina
-Fire Damage
-Frost Damage
-Magicka Damage
-Shock Damage
-Soul Trap
-Stamina Damage
-Turn Undead
-[[Fiery Soul Trap>クエスト/Dungeon Quests/Coming of Age]]
-Lunar (Burns target if the moons are out)
** Apparel [#apparel]
|~Fortify Skill&br;(Combat)|~Archery |●| |●| |●|●| |
|~|~Block | | |●| |●|●|●|
|~|~Heavy Armor | |●|●| |●|●| |
|~|~One-Handed | | |●|●|●|●| |
|~|~Smithing | |●|●| |●|●| |
|~|~Two-Handed | | |●|●|●|●| |
|~Fortify Skill&br;(Stealth)|~Alchemy |●| |●| |●|●|...
|~|~Barter | | | | |●| | |
|~|~Light Armor | |●|●| |●|●| |
|~|~Lockpicking |●| |●| |●|●| |
|~|~Pickpocket | | |●|●|●|●| |
|~|~Sneak | | |●|●|●|●| |
|~Fortify Skill|~各種魔法|●|●|||●|●||
|~Fortify Attribute|~Health| |●| | |●|●|●|
|~|~Health Regeneration | |●| | | |●| |
|~|~Magicka |●| |●| |●|●| |
|~|~Magicka Regeneration|●|●| | |●|●| |
|~|~Stamina | |●| |●|●|●| |
|~|~Stamina Regeneration| |●| |●|●| | |
|~Resist|~Fire | | | |●|●|●|●|
|~|~Frost | | | |●|●|●|●|
|~|~Shock | | | |●|●|●|●|
|~|~Magic | | | | |●|●|●|
|~|~Poison | |●| | |●|●|●|
|~|~Disease| |●| | |●|●|●|
|~その他|~Carry Weight | | |●|●|●|●||
|~|~Fortify Unarmed| | |●| | |●||
|~|~Muffle | | | |●| | ||
|~|~Waterbreathing |●| | | |●|●||