クエスト/Miscellaneous/Dungeon Delving(Caves) のバックアップ(No.1)

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Dungeon Delving (Caves) Edit

目次 Edit

概要 Edit


Radiant候補 Edit


FridaThe Mortar and Pestle (Dawnstar)Ring of Pure MixturesForsaken Cave, Hillgrund's Tomb錬金術技能+1
Noster Eagle-EyeThe Winking Skeever (Solitude)Noster's HelmetBroken Oar Grotto, Shadowgreen Cavern, Steepfall Burrow隠密技能+1
Oengul War-AnvilBlacksmith Quarters (Windhelm)Queen Freydis's SwordAnsilvund, Cragwallow Slope, Cronvangr Cave, Lost Knife Hideout, Stony Creek Cave, Uttering Hills Camp鍛冶技能+1
Roggi Knot-BeardSteamscorch Mine (Eastmarch)Roggi's Ancestral ShieldAnsilvund, Cragwallow Slope, Cronvangr Hall, Lost Knife Hideout, Stony Creek Cave, Uttering Hills Camp防御技能+1、フォロワー化
RunilHall of the Dead (Falkreath)Runil's JournalBloated Man's Grotto, Brittleshin Pass, Darkshade Copse, Embershard, Greywater Gorge, Halldir's Cairn, Moss Mother Cavern, Southfringe Sanctum, Sunderstone Gorgeレベルに応じたゴールド

クイックチュートリアル Edit

  1. 上記の5人の誰かと会話して依頼を受ける
  2. 指定されたダンジョンへ向かう
  3. 依頼されたアイテムを取り戻す
  4. 依頼人の元へ戻り報酬を得る

詳細と補足 Edit

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