

Miscellaneousクエストについて Edit



目次 Edit

Miscellaneousクエスト一覧 Edit

注: ★はクエスト内にRadiant要素が含まれるものであり、※はクエストとして未完成である。

オープンワールド Edit

Faldrus各地Visit the Shrine of Azura
KharjoKhajiit TradersAmulet of the Moon

Eastmarch Edit

Windhelm (ウィンドヘルム) Edit

Adonato LeotelliCandlehearth HallDelivery
Angrenor Once-HonoredCandlehearth HallQuest all Beggars Have ★
Belyn HlaaluBelyn Hlaalu's HouseGather Wheat ★
Brunwulf Free-WinterBrunwulf Free-Winter's HouseKill the Bandit Leader
Thane of Eastmarch
Hillevi Cruel-SeaHouse of Clan Cruel-SeaDelivery
KjarWindhelmHarsh Master
MalbornNew Gnisis CornerclubFind the Thalmor AssassinDiplomatic Immunity完了後
Oengul War-AnvilBlacksmith QuartersDungeon Delving (Caves)
Revyn SadriSadri's Used WaresThat Was Always There
Rolff Stone-FistCandlehearth HallFight! Fight!
Scouts-Many-MarshesArgonian AssemblageA Few Words with You
ShahveeArgonian AssemblageDungeon Delving (Bandits)
Silda the UnseenCandlehearth HallQuest all Beggars Have ★
Stands-In-ShallowsArgonian AssemblageSome Light Theft
Torbjorn Shatter-ShieldHouse of Clan Shatter-ShieldRare Gifts
Quest all Drunks Have ★
Ulfric StormcloakPalace of the KingsThane of Eastmarch

Kynesgrove (カイネスグローブ) Edit

Dravynea the StoneweaverBraidwood InnDravynea's Frost Salts
IddraBraidwood InnA Few Words with You
KjeldBraidwood InnMine Ore ★
Ganna UrielSteamscorch MineChop Wood ★
Roggi Knot-BeardSteamscorch MineDungeon Delving (Caves)

街・集落以外 Edit

Bolfrida Brandy-MugBrandy-Mug FarmGather Wheat ★
GilfreGilfre's HouseChop Wood ★
DerkeethusGoldenrock MineExtracting an Argonian
Sondas DrenimGoldenrock MineDelivery
Chief MauhulakhMauhulakh's LonghouseFight! Fight!
DushnamubMauhulakh's LonghouseMine Ore ★
TulvurHollyfrost FarmGather Wheat ★
Annekke Crag-JumperVerner and Annekke's HouseKill the Bandit Leader
Verner Rock-ChuckerVerner and Annekke's HouseMine Ore ★

Falkreath Hold Edit

Falkreath (ファルクリース) Edit

Dengeir of StuhnDengeir's HouseSome Light Theft
Dark AncestorSome Light Theft完了後
Kill the Bandit Leader (Jarl)Dark Ancestor完了後
Thane of FalkreathKill the Bandit Leader (Jarl)完了後
LodLod's HouseSpeak to Lod
MathiesCorpselight FarmGather Wheat ★
RunilHall of the DeadDungeon Delving (Caves)
SiddgeirJarl's LonghouseRare Gifts
Kill the Bandit Leader (Jarl)Rare Gifts完了後
Thane of FalkreathKill the Bandit Leader (Jarl)完了後
ThadgeirDengeir's HouseDelivery

街・集落以外 Edit

HertHalf-Moon MillChop Wood ★
ValdrMoss Mother CavernMoss Mother Cavern

Haafingar Edit

Solitude (ソリチュード) Edit

AhtarJala's HouseKill the Bandit Leader
Angeline MorrardAngeline's AromaticsNo News is Good News
BeirandSolitude BlacksmithGet Outfitted
BrylingBryling's HouseThane of Haafingar
Captain AldisCastle DourRare Gifts
DerveninTemple of the DivinesThe Mind of Madness
Quest all Beggars Have ★
Elisif the FairBlue PalaceThane of Haafingar
Elisif's Tribute
Evette SanEvette San's HouseThe Spiced Wine
Giraud GemaneBards CollegeRjorn's Drum
Collecting the Edda ※
Inge Six FingersBards CollegeFinn's Lute
Noster Eagle-EyeThe Winking SkeeverDungeon Delving (Caves)
Quest all Beggars Have ★
Octieve SanEvette San's HouseA Few Words with You
Pantea AteiaBards CollegePantea's Flute
RoggvirSolitudeScare my Enemy
Sorex ViniusThe Winking SkeeverDelivery (Sorex)
SvariAddvar's HouseQuest all Beggars Have ★
Return to Grace
Sybille StentorBlue PalaceKill the Vampire
TaarieRadiant RaimentFit for a Jarl

Dragon Bridge (ドラゴン・ブリッジ) Edit

Azzada LylvieveLylvieve Family's HouseGather Wheat ★
HorgeirHorgeir's HouseChop Wood ★
OldaHorgeir's HouseDragon's Breath Mead

街・集落以外 Edit

GissurThalmor Embassy, Elenwen's SolarQuest all Beggars Have ★
HjorunnSolitude SawmillChop Wood ★
KatlaKatla's FarmGather Wheat ★
RazelanThalmor EmbassyQuest all Drunks Have ★

Hjaalmarch Edit

Morthal (モーサル) Edit

BenorGuardhouseFight! Fight!
FalionFalion's HouseFalion's Secret
Rising at Dawn
GormMoorside InnFor the Good of Morthal
HroggarAlva's HouseChop Wood ★
Idgrod RavencroneHighmoon HallThane of Hjaalmarch
Idgrod the YoungerHighmoon HallDelivery
JorgenJorgen and Lami's HouseChop Wood ★
LamiJorgen and Lami's HouseRare Gifts

街・集落以外 Edit

Gestur RockbreakerRockwallow MineMine Ore ★
PacturRockwallow MinePayment Delivery
Sorli the BuilderSorli's HouseThane of Hjaalmarch

The Pale Edit

Dawnstar (ドーンスター) Edit

BeitildBeitild's HouseMine Ore ★
Brina MerilisBrina's HouseThane of the Pale
Captain WayfinderDawnstarSalty Sea-Dogs ★
FridaThe Mortar and PestleDungeon Delving (Caves)
KarlIron-Breaker MineQuest all Drunks Have ★
LeigelfLeigelf's HouseMine Ore ★
RustleifRustleif's HouseRare Gifts
SkaldThe White HallThane of the Pale

街・集落以外 Edit

AeriAeri's HouseDelivery
Chop Wood ★

The Reach Edit

Markarth (マルカルス) Edit

BanningMarkarth StablesDelivery
BothelaThe Hag's CureBothela's Discreet Delivery
Brother VerulusHall of the DeadInvestigate the Hall of the Dead
CalcelmoUnderstone KeepBuy Dwarven artifact
Nimhe, the Poisoned One
CosnachThe WarrensFight! Fight!
Quest all Drunks Have ★
DegaineThe WarrensQuest all Beggars Have ★
Quest all Drunks Have ★
Speak to Degaine
EltrysThe WarrensRead Eltrys' Note
EndonEndon's HouseSilver Lining
Ghorza gra-BagolUnderstone KeepSkilled Apprenticeship
IgmundUnderstone KeepDungeon Delving (Jarl-Hagravens)
Thane of the Reach
KerahEndon's HouseDelivery to Calcelmo
LisbetArnleif and Sons Trading CompanyLisbet's Missing Shipment
Moth gro-BagolUnderstone KeepCoated in Blood
OmluagThe WarrensA Few Words with You
OndolemarUnderstone KeepSearch and Seizure
Thongvor Silver-BloodThe Treasury HouseThane of the Reach

Karthwasten (カースワーステン) Edit

AinethachKarthwasten HallSanuarach Mine
AtarSanuarach MineSanuarach Mine

街・集落以外 Edit

Chief BurgukBurguk's LonghouseFight! Fight!
Chief LarakLarak's LonghouseFight! Fight!
EydisOld HroldanThe Ghost of Old Hroldan
GharolBurguk's LonghouseGharol's Message
Mine Ore ★
Pavo AttiusPavo's HouseKolskeggr Mine
Mine Ore ★
PerthSoljund's SinkholeSoljund's Sinkhole
Mine Ore ★
Rogatus SalviusSalvius FarmhouseRogatus's Letter
ShuftharzLarak's LonghouseMine Ore ★
Skaggi Scar-FaceSkaggi's HouseMine Ore ★
Vigdis SalviusSalvius FarmhouseGather Wheat ★

The Rift Edit

Riften (リフテン) Edit

AlessandraHall of the DeadPilgrimage
BalimundThe Scorched HammerStoking the Flames
BolliRiften FisherySpecial Delivery
Brand-SheiHaelga's BunkhouseDistant Memories
Dinya BaluTemple of MaraSpread the Love
EddaRiftenQuest all Beggars Have ★
HafjorgElgrim's ElixirsTruth Ore Consequences
HarraldMistveil KeepBring It!
Hofgrir Horse-CrusherRiften StablesBloody Nose
Ingun Black-BriarElgrim's ElixirsFew and Far Between
Laila Law-GiverMistveil KeepSupply and Demand
Louis LetrushThe Bee and BarbPromises to Keep
MaramalTemple of MaraThe Bonds of Matrimony
Marise AravelMarise Aravel's HouseIce Cold
Maven Black-BriarBlack-Briar ManorVald's Debt
Mjoll the LionessAerin's HouseGrimsever's Return
Romlyn DrethBlack-Briar MeaderyUnder the Table
Sibbi Black-BriarRiften JailThe Lover's Requital
SnilfRiftenQuest all Beggars Have ★
Svana Far-ShieldHaelga's BunkhouseCaught Red Handed
Talen-JeiThe Bee and BarbSealing the Deal
ToniliaThe Ragged FlagonThieves Guild Caravan Fence Quest
Vekel the ManThe Ragged FlagonToying With The Dead
WujeetaHaelga's BunkhouseHelping Hand
The Raid
WylandriahMistveil KeepHunt and Gather

Ivarstead (イヴァルステッド) Edit

BotiFellstar FarmGather Wheat ★
KlimmekKlimmek's HouseClimb the Steps
NarfiIvarsteadQuest all Beggars Have ★
The Straw that Broke
Temba Wide-ArmVilemyr InnGrin and Bear It
Chop Wood ★
WilhelmVilemyr InnLifting the Shroud

Shor's Stone (ショール・ストーン) Edit

FilnjarFilnjar's HouseMine or Yours
Grogmar gro-BurzagOdfel's HouseMine Ore ★
SylgjaSylgja's HouseSpecial Delivery

街・集落以外 Edit

AddvildSnow-Shod FarmGather Wheat ★
Avrusa SarethiSarethi FarmSmooth Jazbay
Gather Wheat ★
Dravin LlanithMerryfair FarmBow to the Master
GadnorCrystaldrift CaveQuest all Beggars Have ★
GrostaHeartwood MillFlight or Fight
Chop Wood ★
Synda LlanithMerryfair FarmGather Wheat ★

Whiterun Hold Edit

Whiterun (ホワイトラン) Edit

Adrianne AvenicciWarmaiden'sGreatsword for a Great Man
Alfhild Battle-BornHouse of Clan Battle-BornGather Wheat ★
AmrenAmren's HouseDungeon Delving (Bandits)
AndursHall of the DeadRecover Andurs' Amulet of Arkay
BrenuinThe Bannered MareArgonian Ale Extraction
Quest all Beggars Have ★
Carlotta ValentiaCarlotta Valentia's HouseA Few Words with You
Farengar Secret-FireDragonsreachSalt for Arcadia
HuldaThe Bannered MareChop Wood ★
CompanionsJorrvaskr Living QuartersSpeak with the leader of the Companions
Lars Battle-BornWhiterunBullying Braith
Severio PelagiaSeverio Pelagia's HouseGather Wheat ★
Uthgerd the UnbrokenUthgerd's HouseFight! Fight!
Vignar Gray-ManeJorrvaskrThane of Whiterun
YsoldaYsolda's HouseSleeping Tree Cave
Rare Gifts

Riverwood (リバーウッド) Edit

EmbrySleeping Giant InnQuest all Drunks Have ★
FaendalFaendal's HouseA Lovely Letter
HodHod and Gerdur's HouseChop Wood ★
SvenSven and Hilde's House or Sleeping Giant InnA Lovely Letter

Rorikstead (ロリクステッド) Edit

ErikFrostfruit InnErik the Slayer
LemkilLemkil's FarmhouseGather Wheat ★
ReldithCowflop FarmhouseGather Wheat ★

街・集落以外 Edit

ArngeirHigh HrothgarThe Words of PowerThe Way of the Voice完了後

Winterhold Edit

Winterhold (ウィンターホールド) Edit

DagurThe Frozen HearthDrowned Sorrows
HaranThe Frozen HearthA Few Words with You
KorirJarl's LonghouseDungeon Delving (Jarl-Caves)
Thane of Winterhold
KraldarKraldar's HouseThane of Winterhold
Malur SelothJarl's LonghouseSome Light Theft
RanmirBirna's OddmentsQuest all Drunks Have ★

街・集落以外 Edit

ThorgarWhistling MineMine Ore ★
TolfdirHall of AttainmentScare my Enemy
Rogue Wizard ※

リンク Edit

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Last-modified: 2020-12-01 (火) 11:39:21