公式パッチ †
現在の最新安定版 †
言語 | バージョン | 更新日 |
英語版(PC) | | 2013/03/21 |
日本語版(PC) | | 2013/05/01 |
補足情報 †
- Steamクライアントをオンラインにしている場合は自動的にアップデートがなされます。よってプレイヤー側で更新を意識する必要は殆どありません。
- 一度更新すると過去のバージョンには戻せないので(パッケージ版の初期バージョンを除く)特定のバージョンにこだわる場合は維持したいファイルをバックアップしておくと良いです
バージョン情報 †
1.9 †
Version †
2013/03/19: ベータ版リリース
2013/03/21: 正式版リリース
- Fixed issue with NPCs sleeping with open eyes
Version †
2013/03/08: ベータ版リリース
2013/03/19: 正式版リリース
- Fixed issue with certain cured diseases reappearing after reloading a save
Version †
2013/03/05: ベータ版リリース
- Legendary difficulty setting
- Legendary Skills : Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. This will reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. This effectively removes the overall level cap.
Legendary Skills: スキルが100レベルに達した際、"Legendary"とすることができる。これによりスキルレベルを15にリセットし、そのスキルで修得したPerkがポイントに還元され、再びキャラクターレベルに影響を与えることができるようになる(Legendary化してもキャラクターレベルは変わらない)。これによりキャラクターレベルのレベルキャップを効果的に除去する事ができる。
- General memory and stability improvements
- Fixed issue with quest scripts that were not shutting down properly
- Companions will equip better weapons and armor if given to them
- Fixed rare issue where player is unable to learn the Clear Skies shout during “The Throat of the World”
クエスト「The Throat of the World (世界のノド)」においてClear Skiesのシャウトがまれに修得できなかった不具合を修正。
- Fixed rare instance where Alduin would become invincible during “Alduin’s Bane”
クエスト「Alduin's Bane (アルドゥインの災い)」において出現するAlduinがまれに無敵になっていることがあるのを修正。
- Fixed a rare issue where player could become stuck in Night Mother’s coffin during “Death Incarnate”
クエスト「Death Incarnate (デス・インカーネイト)」においてまれにNight Mother’s coffinの中でプレイヤーがスタックする問題を修正。
- Fixed rare issue where protected companions could be killed from poison damage
- Fixed rare issue with certain ash piles left from resurrected NPCs not clearing properly
特定のNPCが残すAsh Pile(灰の山)が適切に除去されない問題を修正。
- Fixed rare issue with NPCs and creatures respawning improperly after player fast travels
- Fixed rare crash when entering Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
まれにDark Brotherhood Sanctuaryに入った際にクラッシュするのを修正。
- Fixed rare crash when entering a player owned home
- Random dragon attacks will no longer occur during “Battle for Whiterun”
クエスト「Battle for Whiterun (ホワイトランの戦い)」の間はランダムなドラゴンの襲撃は発生しないようになった。
- Fixed a rare crash when attempting to save your game during “Waking Nightmare”
クエスト「Waking Nightmare (目覚めの悪夢)」の間、ゲームのセーブを実行するとクラッシュする問題を修正。
- Fixed issue where “Glory of the Dead” would not start properly if player is in combat with Eorlund Gray-Mane
クエスト「Glory of the Dead (死者の栄光)」がEorlund Gray-Maneと戦闘状態に入っていると開始されない問題を修正。
- The white phial is no longer consumed if given to a follower
フォロワーに渡したWhite Phialはもはや消費されない。
- If player marries Aela, the “Totem of Hircine” quest will be available
Aela the Huntlessと結婚していてもクエスト「Totem of Hircine (ハーシーンのトーテム)」が発生するようになった。
- Unused briar hearts can be dropped after finishing “The White Phial”
クエスト「The White Phial (ホワイトファイアル)」完了後、未使用のBriar Heartは捨てることができるようになった。
- Fixed issue with paying off a crime against the Companions that prevented player from getting Companions quests properly
- Thieves Guild caches are now properly enabled in the appropriate cities
- The Dragon Infusion perk now works properly when taking Esbern’s Potion
Esbern’s Potionを使用した際、Dragon InfusionのPerkは正しく有効になる。
- Cragslane Cave properly resets if player receives a radiant quest to clear it out
プレイヤーがRadiant Questを受けた場合Cragslane Caveは適切にリセットされる。
- Fixed rare issue with bounty quest objectives not properly clearing after completion
- Gallus’ Encoded Journal is no longer a quest item after completing the Thieves Guild
Gallus’ Encoded Journalは盗賊ギルドのクエストライン完了後クエストアイテムではなくなる。
- In “No Stone Unturned” Vex will now accept Unusual Gems if you’ve collected them all before starting the quest
いまやクエスト「No Stone Unturned (草の根分けても)」において、クエスト開始前にUnusual Gemsとして石をすべて得ていてもVexがUnusual Gemを受け取ってくれる。
- Vekel the Man now gives rewards for completing “Toying with The Dead”
クエスト「Toying with The Dead」完了後Vekel the Man(ヴェケル)から報酬を受け取ることが出来る。
- Fixed rare issue with being unable to turn in stolen items in “The Litany of Larceny”
クエスト「The Litany of Larceny」でまれに盗んだアイテムを提出できない問題を修正。
- Fixed issue with followers becoming over-encumbered after being repeatedly rehired
- Fixed rare issue with visiting Kynesgrove on horseback not progressing “A Blade in the Dark” properly
騎乗状態でKynesgroveを訪れた際、まれにクエスト「A Blade in the Dark (闇に眠る刀剣)」が進行しない問題を修正。
- Fixed issue with receiving a duplicate radiant quest from a Jarl
首長からのRadiant Questが重複する問題を修正。
- Fixed conflict with clearing Driftshade Sanctuary before starting “Trouble in Skyrim”
クエスト「Trouble in Skyrim (スカイリムを襲う苦難)」開始前にDriftshade Sanctuaryをクリアしていた場合の競合を修正。
- Fixed issue with using shouts while in jail and having guards unlock the jail cell
- Fixed rare issue with quest NPCs not properly moving to quest locations
- Fixed issue with NPCs not selling master level spells
- Fixed rare issue where player gets control locked outside the Thalmor Embassy at the start of “Diplomatic Immunity”
クエスト「Diplomatic Immunity (外交特権)」開始時、Thalmor Embassyの外に行くとまれにプレイヤーの操作がロックされることがあるのを修正。
- Fixed rare issue with disappearing containers after upgrades in player owned house
- Fixed issue with being erroneously attacked while as a werewolf during “Ill Met By Moonlight”
クエスト「Ill Met By Moonlight (月明かりに照らされて)」の間、ウェアウルフであると間違って攻撃される問題を修正。
- The Ebony Blade is now only improved by two handed perks
Ebony Bladeはいまや両手武器Perkの影響のみ受ける。
- Locked door to Proudspire Manor can now be unlocked by proper key
Proudspire Manorへの鍵のかかったドアはいまや適した鍵によって開けることができる。
- Fixed issue with merchants not receiving the proper additional gold with the Investor perk
- Fixed a rare issue where the player would be unable to learn a word after leaving for several days during “The Way of The Voice”
クエスト「The Way of The Voice (声の道)」の間に数日間経過させるとまれに力の言葉を学べなくなる問題を修正。
- The Nord Hero Bow can now be improved
いまやNord Hero Bowは強化が可能となった。
- The Purity perk no longer requires the Experimenter perk
- Fixed rare instance where Lovers Comfort would not be applied properly
まれにLovers Comfortの効果が正しく適用されない問題を修正。
- If you approach Frostmere Crypt from the north, “The Pale Lady” will start properly
Frostmere Cryptに北側から到着した際、クエスト「The Pale Lady」が正しく発生するようになった。
- Fixed rare issue where player could be prevented from speaking with Atub to start “The Cursed Tribe”
クエスト「The Cursed Tribe (呪われた部族)」を開始するためにAtubと話すことをまれに妨げられる問題を修正。
- Fixed rare issue where a dragon could appear in the Mind of a Madman realm and kill the player
まれにMind of a Madmanの世界にドラゴンが現われ、プレイヤーを殺す問題を修正。
- Fixed instance where player could get stuck in Japhet’s Folly
Japhet’s Follyの中でプレイヤーがスタックすることがあるのを修正。
- Fixed rare instances where Arngeir would not teach Whirlwind Sprint
ArngeirがまれにWhirlwind Sprintのシャウトを教えてくれないことがあるのを修正。
- Fixed issue with “Ill Met By Moonlight” if Sinding dies before the quest starts
クエスト「Ill Met By Moonlight (月明かりに照らされて)」開始前にSindingが死んでいた場合の問題を修正。
- Gharol can now properly train up to level 75
- Fixed conflict with visiting The Karthspire before starting “Alduin’s Wall”
クエスト「Alduin’s Wall (アルドゥインの壁)」開始前にKarthspireを訪れた際の競合を修正。
- Reduced the instance of random dragon attacks after fast traveling post main quest
- Recruited Blades now have appropriate dialogue while at Sky Haven Temple
Bladesの追加メンバーはSky Haven Templeにいる間適切なセリフを言う。
- Fixed rare issue where an incorrect dungeon could appear as a location during “Totems of Hircine”
クエスト「Totem of Hircine (ハーシーンのトーテム)」の間、まれに間違ったダンジョンにクエストターゲットが表示される問題を修正。
- Fixed rare instance in “Fetch me that Book” where books found before getting the quest would not be properly recognized
クエスト「Fetch me that Book」で指定された本を先に見つけていた場合、正しく認識されていなかったことを修正。
- Fixed rare issue with traveling to Thalmor Embassy with companions during “Diplomatic Immunity”
クエスト「Diplomatic Immunity (外交特権)」の間、フォロワーを連れてThalmor Embassyに行った際まれに発生する問題を修正。
- Fixed issues with Matching Set perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor
Matching SetのPerkが特定の防具で適切に処理されていない問題の修正
- Fixed issues with Custom Fit perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor
Custom FitのPerkが特定の防具で適切に処理されていない問題の修正
- Fixed issue with NPC dying in a bear trap blocking progress in “In My Time of Need”
クエスト「In My Time of Need (緊急事態)」の間、ベアトラップで死んでいるNPCの処理の問題の修正。
- Fixed rare issue with swinging door becoming stuck and blocking an entrance in Volunruud
- Imperial Light Armor can now be crafted
いまやImperial Light Armorも製造可能となった。
- Fixed issue with “Vald’s Debt” where Vald was not leveled properly
クエスト「Vald’s Debt」においてValdが正しい場所にいない問題を修正。
- Fixed issue with Vilkas not giving proper greeting after completing “Battle for Whiterun”
クエスト「Battle for Whiterun (ホワイトランの戦い)」の後、Vilkasが適切な挨拶を行なわない問題の修正。
- Fixed issue with respawning actors that were raised by using the Ritual Stone power
Ritual Stoneの力で蘇生されたリスポーンするNPCに関する問題の修正。
- Fixed issue with the Ancient Knowledge perk not calculating properly
Ancient KnowledgeのPerkが適切に計算されていなかった問題を修正。
- The Palace of Kings now has patrolling guards on upper floors
いまやThe Palace of Kingsの上階もガードがパトロールを行なう。
- Reduce percentage chance of getting a werewolf loading screen while player is a werewolf
- Pantea’s flute is no longer a quest item after completing “Pantea’s Flute”
クエスト「Pantea’s Flute (パンテアのフルート)」完了後、Pantea’s fluteはクエストアイテムではなくなるようになった。
- Placing an unread Oghma Infinium on a bookshelf in the player’s house no longer allows the book to be reused again
プレイヤーの家の書棚に未使用のOghma Infiniumを置いた場合、Oghma Infiniumはもはや二度と使用できない
- Adjusted dialogue priority to improve chances of hearing more combat dialogue from certain NPC enemies
- Fixed issue with falling damage on high difficulty levels
- Fixed bad collision on certain clutter objects
- Fixed rare instance of couriers who would appear only dressed in a hat
1.8 †
Version †
- バグフィックス
- 通常時のメモリと安定性の改善
- 吸血鬼の手(Vampiric Grip)を使用した際、稀にクラッシュしていた問題を修正
- アーンリーフ・アンド・サンズ貿易会社(Arnleif and Sons Trading Company)の扉に永久に鍵が掛かってしまう問題を修正
- NPC複製に関する問題を修正
- 稀に外側の扉が正しく開かなかった問題を修正
1.7 †
Version †
- バグフィックス
- General memory and stability optimizations
- Fixed crash related to new water shaders
- Fixed rare crash related to dragon landings
- Fixed logic error with loading screens from add-ons (Xbox 360)
- Using vampiric grip and swimming no longer prevents swimming animation from playing afterwards
("Vampiric grip"の使用と泳ぎが、その後の泳ぐアニメーションの再生を妨げることがなくなりました)
- Improved recognition with Kinect voice commands (Xbox 360)
- Kinect-enabled dragon language shouts for French, German, Italian and Spanish work properly (Xbox 360)
- Fixed issue with Dawnguard Kinect-enabled dragon shouts for French, German, Italian and Spanish (Xbox 360)
1.6 †
Version †
2012/6/12 (金)
- CHANGES (変更)
- Reported better integration and performance with Steam.
- Adds a "Dawnguard Quests Completed" field under the Quest tab under General Stats in the main menu.
(メインメニューのGeneral Stats内、クエストタブに"完了したDawnguardクエスト"の項目を追加)
- 備考
Version †
2012/5/24 (木)
- Mounted Combat - Skyrim now allows you to do melee and ranged combat while riding a horse
- BUG FIXES (バグ修正)
- General stability and memory optimizations
- General AI pathfinding optimizations and bug fixes
- Optimizations and crash fixes for data leaks
- Fixed rare crash with lighting
- Fixed crashes related to loading and saving games
- Fixed crash with summoned creatures/NPCs
- Fixed rare issue where saves would be corrupted
- Improved logic for when ranged kill cams are played
- Fixed issue with ranged kill cams while killing a dragon
- Fixed rare issue with certain ranged kill cams not playing properly
- Fixed issue with nirnroot lighting not properly cleaning up
- Fixed issue where bow damage was being calculated incorrectly
- Fixed rare problem with werewolf kill moves would not finish animating properly
- Fixed occasional issue where followers would disappear after player pays off a bounty after committing a crime
- Fixed issue where certain creatures and NPCs would fail to respawn properly
- Fixed rare issue with dialogue subtitles not displaying properly
- Fixed issue with water appearing blurry when loading a saved game after creating a save underwater
- Fixed issue where map cursor would occasionally disappear after closing a message box with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
(Kinectが有効なとき、メッセージボックスを閉じるとマップカーソルが消えてしまう問題の修正) [Xbox 360]
- Fixed rare issue with shouts only performing the first level and not other unlocked levels with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
(Kinectが有効なとき、まれにシャウトが第一段階しか適用されない問題の修正) [Xbox 360]
- Fixed issue where the shout buttons would stop working properly if users mashed LB and RB during cooldown with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
(Kinectが有効なとき、シャウトのクールダウン中にLB/RBボタンを複数回押した場合シャウトボタンが動作しなくなる問題の修正) [Xbox 360]
- In The Break of Dawn fixed rare issue where Meridia's Beacon would disappear from player’s inventory
(In The Break of Dawn (夜明け)でまれにMeridia's Beacon(メリディアの灯)がインベントリーから消えてしまう問題の修正)
- 備考
1.5 †
Version †
2012/3/30 (金)
- UPDATE 1.5 (記載がない限りすべてのプラットフォームが対象)
- BUG FIXES (バグ修正)
- Fixed issue with frequency of first person kill cameras
- Underwater effects now display properly
- Fixed crash when loading certain plugins (PC Only)
- Fixed issue where sun would not appear properly after fast travel
Version †
2012/3/21 (水)
- UPDATE 1.5 (記載がない限りすべてのプラットフォームが対象)
(機械翻訳)ベータ版として先週リリースされ、Skyrimの1.5アップデートはSteam上のすべてのユーザーにご利用いただけます。我々は1.5アップデートを今週メーカーに提出しますのでプレイステーション3とXbox 360上ですぐにアップデートできるようになるでしょう。
- New cinematic kill cameras for projectile weapons and spells
- New kill moves and animations for melee weapons
- Shadows on grass available (PC)
- Smithing skill increases now factor in the created item’s value
- Improved visual transition when going underwater
- Improved distance LOD transition for snowy landscapes
- BUG FIXES (バグ修正)
- General crash fixes and memory optimizations
- Fixed issue with Deflect Arrows perk not calculating properly
- In "A Cornered Rat," the death of certain NPCs no longer blocks progression
- Fixed issue where Farkas would not give Companion's quests properly
- Fixed crash when loading saves that rely on data that is no longer being loaded
- Followers sneak properly when player is sneaking
- Fixed issue with weapon racks not working properly in Proudspire Manor
- Arrows and other projectiles that were stuck in objects in the world now clean up properly
- Fixed issue where "Rescue Mission" was preventing "Taking Care of Business" from starting properly
- Fixed issue where certain NPCs would fail to become Thieves Guild fences
- Fixed issue in "Diplomatic Immunity" where killing all the guards in the Thalmor Embassy before starting the quest would break progress
- In "Hard Answers," picking up the dwarven museum key after completing the quest, no longer restarts the quest
- Killing Viola before or after "Blood on the Ice" no longer blocks progression
- Fixed issue where Calixto would fail to die properly in "Blood on the Ice"
- In "Waking Nightmare" fixed occasional issue where Erandur would stop pathing properly
- Fixed issue where letters and notes with random encounters would appear blank
- Fixed rare issue where dialogue and shouts would improperly play
- Lydia will now offer marriage option after player purchases Breezehome in Whiterun
- Fixed issue where if player manually mined ore in Cidhna Mine, jail time would not be served
- Fixed rare issue with skills not increasing properly
- Fixed issue where the Headsman's Axe did not gain proper buff from Barbarian perk
- In "A Night to Remember" it is no longer possible to kill Ysolda, Ennis or Senna before starting the quest
- Fixed issue with the ebony dagger having a weapon speed that was too slow
- Fixed issue with "The Wolf Queen Awakened" where backing out of a conversation with Styrr too soon would block progress
- The third level of the Limbsplitter perk now properly improves all battle axes
- Fixed a rare issue where Sanguine Rose would not work properly
- In "Tending the Flames" King Olaf's Verse will no longer disappear from explosions
- 備考
1.4 †
Version †
2012/2/28 (火)
- Update 1.4.27 Notes (PC Only)
- LAUNCHER (ランチャーの修正)
- Fixed issue with downloading mods when you are subscribed to more than 50 mods
- Fixed crash when loading a subscribed mod that has been removed from Workshop by the author
- Mod load order functionality
- BUG FIXES (バグ修正)
- Fixed occasional crashes when loading a save that relies on plugins/master files that no longer exist
- Fixed issue where controls would become unresponsive while charging an enchanted weapon
- Fixed issue where controls would occasionally become unresponsive while switching from third to first person while using the Arcane Enchanter
- Fixed issue where controls would become unresponsive if activating a crafting station with autorun active
(オートラン中にCrafting Stationを起動すると操作が効かなくなることがある問題の修正)
- Fixed issue where keyboard would fail if Rename Item was selected before choosing the number of charges, while using Arcane Enchanter
- Fixed several issues with remapping buttons while using an Xbox 360 controller
(Xbox 360コントローラーでボタンリマップを行う際の複数問題の修正。)
- Fixed issue where pressing Escape button after fast traveling but before the loading would cause certain menus to stop working properly
- Followers now sneak properly when player is sneaking
Version †
2012/2/2 (木)
- Update 1.4 Notes
プレイステーション3とXbox 360ユーザーへのアップデートとして、我々は今週のコンソールメーカーに1.4を提出している。これらの更新版が利用可能な場合、我々は誰もが知ってもらおう。
- Skyrim launcher support for Skyrim Workshop (PC)
(Skyrim Workshopのランチャー追加(PC))
- BUG FIXES (バグ修正)
- General optimizations for memory and performance
- Fixed occasional issue with armor and clothing not displaying properly when placed on mannequins in player’s house (PS3)
- Long term play optimizations for memory and performance (PS3)
- Improved compiler optimization settings (PC)
- Memory optimizations related to scripting
- Fixed issue with dangling scripts not properly clearing from memory
- Fixed crashes related to pathing and AI
- Fixed crash in “Haemar’s Shame” if player had already completed “A Daedra’s Best Friend”
- Fixed rare crash with loading saved games
- Fixed issue with accented characters not displaying properly at the end of a line
- Fixed issue where dragon priest masks would not render correctly
- Fixed issue where quests would incorrectly progress after reloading a save
- Fixed issues with placing and removing books from bookshelves in the player’s home
- Optimized bookshelf script in player-owned houses that would occasionally block other scripts from properly firing off
- Fixed issue where weapon racks and plaques would not work correctly in player’s house if player immediately visits their house before purchasing any upgrades
- Fixed issue where the player house in Windhelm would not clean up properly
- Fixed crash related to giant attacks and absorb spells
- Fixed issue with ash piles not cleaning up properly
- Fixed occasional issue where overwriting an existing save would fail
- Fixed memory crash with container menu
- Fixed infinite loop with bookshelves
- Fixed issue where transforming back to human from werewolf would occasionally fail
- Bows and daggers will display properly when placed on weapon racks
- Fixed occasional audio issue that would play sound effects louder than intended
- Fixed bug related to hitching between cell boundaries
- Master Criminal achievement/trophy unlocks properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian
(フランス語、ドイツ語、スペイン語とイタリア語で実績「Master Criminal」を解除できるように。)
- Fixed issue where traps in Shalidor’s Maze would not work properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian versions
- The Unusual Gem that was inside the Thalmor Embassy is now accessible after finishing “Diplomatic Immunity”
- In “Breaching Security”, the quest token is no longer required to receive a fortune reading from Olava the Feeble
(“Breaching Security”(安全の侵害)クエストにおいて、Olava the FeebleからFortune Readingを得る際にトークンが要求されないよう変更)
- Fixed issue where Galmar would not complete Joining the Stormcloaks properly if “Season Unending” was an active quest
(“Season Unending”(戦死者)クエストがアクティブな場合に、Galmarがストームクロークへの加入を適切に処理しない問題を修正)
- Fixed issue where starting “Season Unending” after finishing “Joining the Stormcloaks” would prevent “The Jagged Crown” from starting properly
- Fixed issue where progressing through “Message to Whiterun” while “Season Unending” was still open would block progression for both quests
- In “Arniel’s Endeavor”, fixed issue where a quest journal would trigger multiple times
- In “Forbidden Legend”, the amulet fragment can no longer disappear after player leaves a dungeon without taking it
(クエスト「禁じられた伝説」でプレイヤーがamulet fragmentを取らずにダンジョンを出ても、amulet fragmentは消滅しない。)
- Fixed rare issue in “Forbidden Legend” where killing Mikrul Gauldurson while sneaking would make his corpse unaccessible
(クエスト「禁じられた伝説」において、Sneak状態でMikrul Gauldursonを殺した場合、稀に死体に降れられなくなる問題を修正)
- In “The White Phial”, the phial can no longer disappear if player leaves dungeon without taking it
- “The White Phial” will now start properly if player already has a briar heart in their inventory
- Player can no longer get stuck in Misty Grove after completing “A Night to Remember”
- Fixed issue where leaving Riften during “A Chance Arrangement” would prevent quest from progressing
- In “Darkness Returns”, a door in Twilight Sepulcher will properly open if the player leaves the dungeon for an extended period of time before completing the quest
- In “Revealing the Unseen”, if the player leaves the Oculory for an extended period of time after placing the focusing crystal and returns, the quest will proceed correctly
- “Onmund’s Request” will now start properly if player has already found Enthir’s staff before receiving this quest
- Fixed instance where Tonilia would stop buying stolen items and also would not give Guild Leader Armor
- “Repairing the Phial” will start properly if player already has unmelting snow or mammoth tusk in their inventory
- Finding Pantea’s Flute before speaking with Pantea no longer prevents her quest from updating
- In “The Break of Dawn”, fixed rare instance where a quest object would spawn incorrectly on the Katariah during Hail Sithis
- Fixed rare issue in “The Mind of Madness” where player is unable to equip the Wabbajack
- Fixed issue in “Pieces of the Past” where Mehrunes Dagon’s Razor will not trigger properly if player leaves the cell for extended period of time before activating it
- “Blood’s Honor” will start properly if you visited and completed Driftshade and an extended period of time passes before starting the quest
- Fixed rare issue where “Dampened Spirits” would not start properly
- Fixed issue where player would be unable to become Thane of Riften if they purchased a home first
- Fixed issue where killing guards in Cidhna Mine would block progression for “No One Escapes Cidhna Mine”
- Fixed numerous issues with “Blood on the Ice” not triggering properly
- In “Blood on the Ice”, Calixto can now be killed if player owns a house in Windhelm
- In “The Cure for Madness”, killing Cicero then resurrecting him no longer impedes quest progress
- Fixed rare issue in “To Kill an Empire” where an NPC would fail to die properly
- Clearing Knifepoint Ridge before starting “Boethiah’s Champion” no longer prevents quest from starting.
- 備考
1.3 †
Version †
2011/12/20 (火)
- Update 1.3.10 Notes (PC)
- Support for 4-Gigabyte Tuning (Large Address Aware)
- Fixed issue with accented characters not displaying properly at the end of a line
Version †
2011/12/16 (金)
- Update 1.3 Notes (すべてのプラットフォームで指定のない限り更新)
- General stability improvements
- Optimize performance for Core 2 Duo CPUs (PC)
(CPU:Core 2 Duoプロセッサのパフォーマンス最適化(PC版))
- Fixed Radiant Story incorrectly filling certain roles
(Radiant Story (Skyrim内のサブクエスト等のストーリーマネジメントシステム) における特定の役割で起こっていた問題を解決)
- Fixed magic resistances not calculating properly
- Fixed issue with placing books on bookshelves inside player purchased homes
- Fixed dragon animation issues with saving and loading
- Fixed Y-look input to scale correctly with framerate
- 備考
1.2 †
Version 1.2.?.? †
2011/11/28 (月)
- Update 1.2 Notes (すべてのプラットフォームで指定のない限り更新)
- Improved occasional performance issues resulting from long term play (PlayStation 3)
(長期的なプレイが起因でまれに発生するパフォーマンスの問題を改善 (PS3))
- Fixed issue where textures would not properly upgrade when installed to drive (Xbox 360)
- Fixed crash on startup when audio is set to sample rate other than 44100Hz (PC)
- Fixed issue where projectiles did not properly fade away
- Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player’s wedding dead
- Dragon corpses now clean up properly
- Fixed rare issue where dragons would not attack
- Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug
- Fixed rare issue with dead corpses being cleared up prematurely
- Skeleton Key will now work properly if player has no lockpicks in their inventory
- Fixed rare issue with renaming enchanted weapons and armor
- Fixed rare issue with dragons not properly giving souls after death
- ESC button can now be used to exit menus (PC)
- Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues (PC)
- General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls (PC)
- 転記元Link : [Bethesda blog] - 1.2 update now on Steam
1.1 †